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Export Services

Export Services

Being in export activities and being successful is obliged process of multidisciplinary successfully. Because export has different kind of processes in it and every processes of it turn into another processes' determining factor of success.  Affected minumum by the country economi fluctuations and decrease the curretn risks are include to this process. Is it possible to achieve successful export activities by managing this process which is of great importance in every step? 

It is an export corporation that founded for to give support from small and medium size enterprise in Turkey to want to export corporations. Aim of this corporation is to consulting about not to get damaged by country's economi fluctuations and povide continuance. And also this corporation provide increase product capacity, increase the productivity and succesful export activities kind of services. Our export services begin with making detailed abroad trade research with determine the target market, abroad merchandizing, work through about demand and competition and continue to give these to the corporation as a report.

The main countries that we provide consulting:

- Turkey

- United States of America

- Germany

- Hungary

- Iraq